Baltimore City Artist Recovery Grant (ARG)

Applications are now open for the Baltimore City Artist Recovery Grant Award (ARG), administered by Baltimore Office of Promotion & The Arts (BOPA) on behalf of the city, to support Individual Artists impacted by the COVID-19 public health emergency. To apply CLICK HERE.

Please note: The Artist Recovery Grant is available to Individual Artists. Artists practicing under an LLC are not eligible for the Artist Recovery Grant. Artists practicing under an LLC are eligible to apply for Economic Recovery Funds for small businesses. The first grant application window for Baltimore Base Network is from January 18–February 3, 2022 (at midnight). For more information, visit:

Baltimore City, a recipient of federal funding through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), requested proposals to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic’s negative impacts on the City and citizens of Baltimore City.

As the City's Arts Council, the Baltimore Office of Promotion & the Arts will serve as the fiducial agent of ARPA for individual artists in Baltimore City. Baltimore City approved a grant of $500,000 to fund the Baltimore City Artist Recovery Grant, or ARG. The ARG will provide direct economic relief by providing grants to individual professional artists whose lives and livelihoods were demonstrably impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic.  BOPA will engage the members of the Baltimore arts community to assist in local outreach and grant evaluation efforts, in collaboration with arts and cultural leaders as well as individual working artists within Baltimore City.

The City aims to provide grant funding to support individual professional artists that were in practice at the onset of the pandemic and who were impacted by the COVID-19 public health emergency. The ARG is open to individual artists at least 18 years old, living in the City of Baltimore. Funds will be administered based on need to artists/creatives that have a demonstrated high need of support.

Grant Timeline
January 31, 2022
 - Applications Open - APPLY HERE
March 18, 2022 - Applications Close
March 28 - April 28, 2022 - Panel Review Process
May - June 2022 - Grantees Notified/Awarded

Info Sessions and Technical Support Sessions
ARG Application Info Session

February 7, 2022, at 6:00 p.m.
Register HERE in advance for this session.  

Equitable Funding: Expanding Access Across the City
RECORDED: January 20, 2022

Understanding Your Grant Agreement

Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible to apply for this grant?

A qualifying artist is defined as any individual, 18 years or older, who can demonstrate having an art practice (any discipline) prior to March of 2020. Applicants must also reside in Baltimore City.

I live in Baltimore County, but most of my work is in Baltimore City. Can I still apply?
No, this grant is for Baltimore City residents only. If you have been displaced as a result of the pandemic and have recently moved back to Baltimore City, you will be able to note that on your application.

Can artists who practice under an LLC apply for the ARG?
No, the Artist Recovery Grant is available to Individual Artists. Artists practicing under an LLC are not eligible for the Artist Recovery Grant. Artists practicing under an LLC are eligible to apply for Economic Recovery Funds for small businesses. The first grant application window for Baltimore Base Network is from January 18–February 3, 2022 (at midnight). For more information, visit:

How will funds be distributed?
An active bank account is required to receive one of these grants. If you do not have one, information will be provided to assist you in opening a bank account.

I don't have a bank account. What can I do?
All grantees are required to have a bank account in order to receive this grant. If you need additional assistance or are unsure about this process, we will be hosting a Banking Basics workshop in February with PNC bank. The date is currently TBD, so please check back in early February for dates and times.

Will the payment be allocated at one time?
Yes, grantees will receive their payment in one allocation.

When will grant applications be available?
Applications will be available January 31, 2022.

How were the guidelines for this grant created?
The Arts Council collaborated with a group of Baltimore-based artists of diverse backgrounds and disciplines to create the hardship criteria for this application. Their feedback and recommendations were heavily incorporated in the application questions as well. The work group consisted of Jeffrey Kent, Brion Gill, Jessica Keys and Reed Baltimore.

I’ve never applied for a grant before. How do I write a narrative about myself?
No worries, here are some links to support you in your efforts:

Additionally, there is an option in the application for you to upload audio/video responses for some of the questions for those who feel more comfortable communicating verbally. 

Is there a way for me to get a paper application?
Yes, please email or call 410-752-8632 for paper application requests.

Will there be an info session regarding this grant?
There will also be an info session on February 7, at 6:00 p.m. via Zoom. We will go over the application and requirements, so please sign up to attend. The session will also be recorded for people to access at a later time. If you still have additional questions, you can always email

ARG Application Info Session February 7 at 6:00 p.m.
Register here:

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