Network Partners

The Baltimore BASE (Business Assistance and Support for Equity) Network is led by the Baltimore Development Corporation and the Mayor’s Office of Small and Minority Business Advocacy & Development and co-facilitated by Impact Hub Baltimore. Partners include nonprofit and university-based programs focused on providing training, technical assistance, grants, loans, and other support to BIPOC-owned and other economically or socially disadvantaged small businesses.


Baltimore Community Lending

We are a mission-based certified community development financial institution (CDFI). Our loans help low-income, low-wealth, and other disadvantaged people and communities join the economic mainstream.

Baltimore Corps

Baltimore Corps, a social justice and innovation hub. Our work creates equitable change in the system we live in. We connect people to opportunities that support their livelihoods and help them make a positive difference in their communities.

Baltimore Creatives Acceleration Network

Baltimore Creatives Acceleration Network is a collaborative movement to prepare, resource, connect, and inspire Baltimore creative through programming and various initiatives. Empowering them to own their genius, build mindful creative enterprises, and shape our future.

Baltimore Roundtable for Economic Democracy

Our mission is to make cooperative development knowledge and resources available to communities across Maryland. We are building a new, more democratic and more equitable economy, focusing on the marginalized communities that need those resources the most.

Greater Baltimore Black Chamber of Commerce

The GBBCC Mission to provide support and leadership for the growth and development of Black owned and operated business and to advocate for economic empowerment in African American Communities in the Greater Baltimore Metropolitan Area.

Innovation Works

Innovation Works (IW) was launched as a bold solution to address Baltimore's racial wealth divide. IW believes in social entrepreneurship to create sustainable economies in Baltimore's disinvested Black neighborhoods. It prioritizes local social entrepreneurs as leaders with the creativity and determination to spark restorative economic change where it is needed most.

Latino Economic Development Center

The Latino Economic Development Center (LEDC) equips Latinos and other underserved communities with the skills and financial tools to create a better future for their families and communities. LEDC welcomes individuals from all backgrounds. Our mission is inclusive, striving to empower all families regardless of ethnicity or background to achieve financial independence.

Mayor’s Office of Small and Minority Business Advocacy & Development

The Mayor's Office of Small and Minority Business Advocacy & Development (SMBA&D) was created to support the various needs of small and minority businesses in Baltimore City. The Small Business Resource Center (SBRC) provides training, counseling and resources to strengthen the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Southeast CDC / Highlandtown Main Street

The Southeast CDC is a place-based organization dedicated to growing and supporting a thriving, socioeconomically and racially diverse Southeast Baltimore where residents share in the success and improvement of their communities.

The Baltimore Development Corporation

The Baltimore Development Corporation (BDC) is the economic development agency for the City of Baltimore. Our mission is to grow the city’s economy in an inclusive manner by retaining, expanding, and attracting businesses and promoting investment, thereby increasing career opportunities for residents.

Morgan State University Baltimore Means Business

Morgan State University’s, Baltimore Means Business is a program for small business owners that links learning to action. Through the program, you will receive the tools and support to develop a customized growth plan that will take your business to the next level.


CLLCTIVLY is a place-based social change organization that centers Black genius, narrative power, social networks, and resource mobilization. Our mission is to reduce program fragmentation and duplication, foster learning, and be a resource for Greater Baltimore by finding, funding, and partnering with Black social change organizations.

Impact Hub Baltimore

We support a community of innovators and entrepreneurs to scale and sustain their initiatives. Our inspiring workspace and innovative programming build the connections and skills people need to grow and thrive. Impact Hub currently serves as the BASE Network Facilitator.

Made in Baltimore 

We support makers and manufacturers in Baltimore City. Our mission is simple: Encourage investment in Baltimore’s economy by growing the market for locally-made goods and supporting the people who make them. At the heart of our program is a strong community of manufacturers, retailers and maker spaces working together to create and promote locally-made products. Our growing network of over 300 product-based businesses ranges from home-based maker to large scale manufacturer.

Pennsylvania Avenue Arts & Entertainment District

Our mission is that the Black Arts District through an anti-displacement framework empowers Black creatives and continues the community-based revitalization efforts in West Baltimore through culture, arts, and entertainment. Our vision of the Black Arts District is to be a model of Black creative autonomy.